W3T Rules

  • The W3T Grand Champion will be determined by a combined score generated from all three events

  • The top scoring athlete will be declared the W3T Grand Champion

  • Ties for Grand Champion will be resolved via a skill challenge event run by a W3T official

  • All W3T competitors will have a number of their choosing written on the back of a hand in permanent marker to delineate them as a W3T athlete

Skiing / Snowboarding

  • Skiers will compete against skiers and snowboarders against snowboarders

  • All competitors will use the same chairlift determined by W3T officials on the day of competition

  • The competition will start from the top of the chairlift with all competitors starting at the same time as designated by a W3T official

  • The ski/board competition will end at the designated location at 1230 or the time designated by a W3T official prior to the start of the ski/board event

  • Severe inclement weather creating risk of loss of limb or death may result in an early end to the ski/snowboard competition

  • Early ski/board event end will be determined by the shutdown of the W3T lift

  • In the event of lift shutdown the event end timing will be based upon the time the lift was shut down (W3T '14 Thundersnow rule)

  • W3T official judgment may apply to ensure fairness


  • Competitors will be credited with 1/4 run for every 7 minutes early they arrive at the end point

  • Competitors arriving greater than 28 minutes early will be considered non-participants and will be awarded 0 points

  • Competitors will be penalized by 1/4 run for arriving one second past the designated end time

  • Competitors will be penalized by 1/4 run for every additional 2 minutes late they arrive at the end point


  • Ranking will be based on number of runs made as determined by the digitally recorded lift info on the lift pass

  • Points are based on ranking and will be awarded in both skiing and snowboarding categories

  • 1st - 10, 2nd - 9, 3rd - 8, 4th - 7, 5th - 6, >5th - 5

  • Non-participation in the event will result in 0 points

  • Reckless behavior will result in 0 points (Eli rule 1)


  • The fishing competition will start at a point designated by W3T officials and published prior to the event

  • All competitors will start at the same time as designated by a W3T official

  • The fishing competition will end at the same location as the starting point at 1700 or as designated at the start by a W3T official

  • Severe inclement weather creating risk of loss of limb or death may result in an early end to the fishing competition

  • Early fishing event end will be signaled by 5 short blasts of an air horn or whistle


  • Competitors will be penalized by 1 fish for being earlier than 30 minutes early to arrive at the end point

  • Competitors will be penalized by 1 fish for every additional 30 minutes early they arrive at the end point

  • Competitors will be penalized by 1/4 fish for arriving one second past the designated end time

  • Competitors will be penalized by 1/4 fish for every additional 2 minutes late they arrive at the end point


  • Ranking will be based on number of fish caught

  • Honor rule applies - officials will be walking the river

  • There is a one fish penalty for not using a fly rod and reel (Gannon "Old" McDonald rule)

  • All ties will be broken by a timed event in which all competitors will soak their hands in the river for 30 seconds and then tie a designated fly onto a leader for time

  • The fly and leader will be provided by W3T officials

  • W3T officials will manage the timing and scoring of the tie breaking event

  • Points are based on ranking

  • 1st - 10, 2nd - 9, 3rd - 8, 4th - 7, 5th - 6, >5th - 5

  • Non-participation in the event will result in 0 points (Eli rule 2)

Beer drinking

  • All competitors will relinquish their vehicle keys to the W3T officials prior to the start of the beer drinking competition

  • The beer drinking competition will start with a toast given by a W3T official

  • The beer drinking competition is a maximum three hour drinking event with four skill challenge events

  • The first hour will consist of one pint of beer every 15 minutes

  • The second and third hours will consist of one pint of beer every 20 minutes

Drinking skill competitions

  • The drinking skill competition rules, timing and events will be announced at the drinking event

  • Cornhole will cut the field to 8 competitors

  • Math in Public will cut the field to 4 competitors

  • Beer Pong will cut the field to 2 competitors

  • Life sized Jenga will determine the drinking event champion

Competitors will be eliminated from the beer drinking event by

  • Tapping out

  • Being tapped out by a W3T official for bad behavior (B.A./Dirty rule)

  • Urinating

  • Poor performance in the drinking skill competitions

Waders cannot be worn for the drinking event (Dirty rule)

  • Competitors eliminated from the drinking event will have their numbers crossed off of their forearms and their elimination time documented by a W3T official

  • Scoring

  • The last person standing who has not been eliminated from the drinking event wins the drinking event

  • This can occur prior to the final challenge


  • Points will be awarded based on rank ordered elimination time with the last person standing taking first place

  • Ties will be broken by comparing performance in the challenges or via a head-to-head challenge set up by a W3T official

  • 1st - 10, 2nd - 9, 3rd - 8, 4th - 7, 5th - 6, >5th - 5

  • Non-participation in the event will result in 0 points


All athletes that have not tapped out will compete in the cornhole round. In the event that only eight athletes remain at the start of the cornhole round, cornhole will be skipped, athletes will become mathletes and proceed to the math in public round.

  • To obtain the highest score possible in 8 corn bag throws


  • W3T drinking rules and pace will be followed throughout the cornhole challenge.

  • Timing: Each athlete will have no more than 1 minute to make their throws.

  • Setup: Athletes will throw from the pitching box location designated by a W3T official

  • Starting: The athlete with the best ranking out of the 1st 2 events goes first. All athletes will go in order of merit based on scores from the first 2 events. In the event of a tie, athletes will play paper, scissors, rock to go first. The timing clock will be set on a five second countdown, at the last beep, the athlete can begin throwing and will have 1 minute to make all 8 throws


  • Corn Bag In-The-Hole - A corn bag in-the-hole (or Hole-In) is a corn bag which is thrown through the hole in the cornhole platform or otherwise comes to rest inside the cornhole platform (knocked in by another player or an act of God). A corn bag in-the-hole has a value of three points.

  • Corn Bag In-The-Count - A corn bag that is not in-the-hole but lands with any portion of the corn bag resting on the cornhole platform is in-the-count. A corn bag in-the-count has a value of one point. For a corn bag to be in-the-count, it must not touch the ground or any other portion of the court prior to coming to rest on the cornhole platform. If a corn bag touches the ground before coming to rest on the cornhole platform, it is a foul and must be removed from the cornhole platform prior to the continuation of play.

  • Corn Bag Out-Of-The-Count - A corn bag which comes to rest anywhere except in-the-count or in-the-hole is out-of-the-count and has no scoring value. A corn bag which is declared to be a foul is considered to be out-of-the-count (no matter where it comes to rest) and must be removed from the cornhole surface prior to the continuation of play.

  • Foul Corn Bags - A foul corn bag is a corn bag which was delivered in non-compliance with one of the rules of the game. It scores as a corn bag out of the count and is to be removed from the Cornhole / Corn Toss court before any more corn bags are pitched. Corn bags already in the court that have been knocked into foul territory by a foul corn bag should be returned to the scoring area. Additionally, corn bags that are in the count, but are knocked into the hole by a foul corn bag must be returned to their original scoring position.

The following are rule violations that must be spotted and called by an assigned judge. The penalty is to declare the corn bag a foul corn bag, which requires the corn bags to be removed from the court prior to resuming play.

  • Any corn bag pitched when the contestant has made contact with or crossed over the foul line before the corn bag is released.

  • Except as provided above, any corn bag pitched when the contestant has started or stepped completely outside the pitching box before releasing the corn bag.

  • Any corn bag not delivered within the 1 minute time limit

  • Any corn bag that contacted the court or the ground before coming to rest on the cornhole platform.

  • Any corn bag which struck a previously defined object such as a tree limb, wire, indoor court ceiling, etc.

  • Any corn bag that leaves a contestant's hand once the final forward swing of the delivery process has started shall count as a pitched corn bag. A corn bag that is accidentally dropped by a contestant before the final forward swing has started shall not be considered foul and may be picked up and pitched.

  • A contestant's corn bags shall be called foul if the contestant removes any corn bag before the scoring of that corn bag has been agreed upon. A judge shall be called if a decision cannot be reached. The judge shall determine the scoring for the inning.


  • The rankings will be determined by the total score for each athlete. Ties will be broken by a shootout.

  • Shootout: A shootout consists of a head to head 3 corn bag contest. The athlete who threw first in regulation throws first in overtime. Athletes will take turns throwing 3 corn bags. The first athlete to score more points than their opponent in a round wins.

Math in Public

The top 8 athletes from the cornhole challenge will compete in a math in public round. In the event that one of the top 8 athletes taps out of the event prior to the math in public round, the highest ranked athlete that was eliminated but has not tapped out will substitute in as the lowest ranking seed.

  • To correctly answer 12 math problems on flash cards in the least amount of time


  • W3T drinking rules and pace will be followed throughout the math in public challenge.

  • Timing: Each math in public challenge will be timed by a W3T official

  • Setup: Mathletes will stand in front of the bar facing the W3T official.

  • Starting: The mathlete with the best ranking out of the 1st 2 events goes first. All athletes will go in order of merit based on scores from the first 2 events. In the event of a tie, mathletes will play paper, scissors, rock to go first. The timing clock will be set on a five second countdown, at the last beep, the first card will be flipped over and the mathlete will begin answering the flash cards

  • Turns: Each mathlete has one attempt to answer 12 math flash cards in the least amount of time

  • Answering: When a card is flipped over, the first response the mathlete makes will be considered their answer. If an answer is inaudible or unintelligible it will be assumed that the mathlete said Pi.

Scoring: Each card will be audibly scored as correct or wrong by a W3T official.
Timing: The official time will be recorded as the time the mathlete answers the 12th and final card.
Ranking: The rankings will be determined by number of correct answers first and fastest time second. Ties will be broken by a twenty second math off in which each mathlete answers as many problems correctly as possible. Additional ties will be solved by paper, scissors, rock.

Beer Pong

All games will be 1 v 1 with a seeded bracket based on scoring from the first two drinking events in which the leader from the first two drinking events plays the #4 athlete and the #2 athlete plays the #3 athlete. In the event that an athlete taps out of the event prior to the beer pong round, the highest ranked athlete that was eliminated but has not tapped out will substitute in as the lowest ranking seed.

  • To sink all of the other athlete's cups


  • W3T drinking rules and pace will be followed throughout the beer pong tournament.

  • Timing: Each beer pong game will end at the end of a 15 minute timer.

  • Setup: Each side will have cups filled with water to the same level as determined by a W3T official. Cups will be set up in a 3, 2, 1, triangle with the three cups aligned with the edge of the table.

  • Starting: The athlete with the best ranking out of the 1st 2 events shoots first. In the event of a tie, athletes will play paper, scissors, rock for the first shot.

  • Turns: Each athlete shoots twice per turn. If an athlete makes both of their shots, they receive another turn.

  • Shooting: The ball can be thrown or bounced into the cup. Leaning is permitted, you can lean over the table but may not touch the table. Touching the table will result in a one cup penalty.

  • Sinking Cups: A cup is sunk as soon as the ball touches the contents of the cup. A sunk cup will be removed from the table. If you knock over one of your own cups, it is considered sunk. If the ball somehow lands in the middle of 3 or 4 cups all cups are considered sunk. Cups are rearranged after 2 cups are hit to a diamond formation (1 cup, 2 cups, then one cup). All taunting must be done behind the table (if you interfere and hit the other teams shot you have to take a cup away).

Game Ending Situations:

  • Note: redemption round means last turn by the athlete on the verge of losing. Just as in a regular turn, if two shots are made in a row the athlete gets another bonus turn, keeping the game alive.

  • Time runs out. The round of shooting will be played out. At the end of that round, the athlete that has sunk the most cups wins. In the event of a tie, the game will go into a shootout.

Shootout: in the event of a tie, a shootout is forced.

  • Shootout: A shootout consists of each athlete setting up 3 filled cups in a triangle format. The athlete who shot first in regulation shoots first in overtime. Athletes will take turns shooting 3 shots. The first athlete to sink more shots than their opponent in a round wins.


The Jenga game will determine the winner of the Beer Drinking contest. It is a head to head competition between the last two drinking athletes as determined by the beer pong tournament. In the event that an athlete taps out of the event prior to the jenga round, the highest ranked athlete that was eliminated but has not tapped out will substitute in as the lowest ranking seed.

  • To be the last athlete to successfully remove and place a block.


  • W3T drinking rules and pace will be followed throughout the beer pong tournament.

  • Starting: The highest seeded athlete from beer pong goes first. In the event of a tie, athletes will play paper, scissors, rock for the first move.


  • Moving in Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any level (except the one below the incomplete top level) of the tower, and placing it on the topmost level to complete it.

  • Only one hand should be used at a time when taking blocks from the tower.

  • Blocks may be bumped to find a loose block that will not disturb the rest of the tower.

  • Any block that is moved out of place must be returned to its original location before removing another block.

  • The turn ends when the next person to move touches the tower or after ten seconds, whichever occurs first.

Game end:

  • The game ends when the tower falls, or if any piece falls from the tower other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top.

  • The winner is the last person to successfully remove and place a block without the tower falling, or any piece falling from the tower other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top.